The Spirals of Reality
Have you ever wondered how things change all of a sudden? Wondered how we cross from one place to another leaving the past? How can we remember "times" and know that they are more than a world away from us, and that each long lasting memory means one reality apart? Well I once had a daydream on which only one out of a billion answers was shown in the shape of structures and places where we are destined to return each time something changes in our lives, our spirit, or even in our own private and lonely death. I'll tell you some bits of this place because the rules are so big that just one tiny blog entry wouldn't fill the holes and doubts of what I am about to explain.
Imagine yourself living life. Walking through places, doing your things. One day you realize that your course in life has changed and that time has passed by. For a reason that thought turns into a memory, which remains along with its essence, some kind of energy of what now turns into something more than one mere thought. Yes, the word I was looking for is essence. That is a kind of element one thought may bring us back to. You might ask yourself, "How did I get here from where I was on the essence of that thought? Will I ever be there again?" Then you might realize that a life twist has happened by one little action called choice. Yes, all our big and small choices change the course of time, destiny, and -most important- place within our reality. I need to insist on the "place" because apart from the fact that the three of them make our choices come true., a place transports us to spaces where we sometimes have never been to. Time and destiny are circumstances as well, but I will not talk much about them this time. The place is part of what makes the universal cycle of our spirit go on with what we sometimes try to define as our reality (some daring people call it life, and I will call it life this time just for practical reasons).
We're now getting closer to the point of all this tangled-thought thread, and you might ask why am I writing all this boring stuff you probably already know. I'd just like to make sure these three basic elements are taken as part of this in-between-choice place I'm about to tell you: time, destiny, and place.
It doesn't matter if you are walking on the street, if you are about to get laid, or if you are about to get out of the shower. What matters now is that you are about to make a choice. There is a moment between thinking about that choice and actually making it happen. That precise moment is where time stops, and you enter what I like to call The Spirals of Reality.
Spirals of Reality
Time is completely frozen within that reality. You awake your sight and find yourself inside a square room. As you slowly walk by you see inside these room sets: objects, images, pictures, clothes, furniture, or anything that could remind you of all the moments you have been through since your last choice in life. You can even see people (more like posing dummies) there though they don't seem to speak or even move; they're just part of the ornaments that help you know your place at that moment. Keep walking and you'll see a black door. For some strange reason (I'll talk about it later) you already know that if you cross that black door you will go back to the place and moment where you were exactly before entering this reality, and things will stay the same way they were; you will keep walking on the street, you will get laid, you will take your first step out of the shower. In other words, the flow of things will keep on going as they were just before you "entered" that room. But wait, there's more. Before you open that black door you turn around, and notice there is actually a second door. The difference is that this one is made out of glass. Then you take a glance through that sliding door, and you find yourself watching this:
There is a silver pole in the middle of the cylinder in which you reside, and an open pie-sliced platform that is waiting for you, only if you choose to cross the door. And yes, there are more glass doors all around the cylinder waiting to be opened, each one with a room, a scent, and a specific reality. Most of the time it is completely different from the other(s) you have been to. The doors are uncountable. You have the feeling -once again- that you've been there before, and that you have done this at least once: the glass door slides, clearing the path between yourself and the platform. You know now that if you step outside the door behind you will close and you will (most probably) never be able to enter that room again.
Well, actually there are only two natural ways to get back to a room as far as I can tell. The first way requires more energy than patience can give, because it means waiting for that _______ elevator to come for you and take you back where you once were. Think about this: the possibilities are only one in ∞. You would have to spare more than a lifetime waiting for that thing to take you there, or maybe just two stops, who knows. The second way is kind of a coin toss because getting there would imply breaking the rules of the game (which is always possible). This implies getting to that room by any means, including getting off the platform and letting go, till you find that specific room you're looking for. Even if you were able to find it, getting through that thick glass door would be more than a challenge, because in that place you have no tools, there is actually no real gravity because there is no "up" or "down", and -of course- you are not materialized as flesh and bone but as the reflection of your own and actual essence. These are just some tricks which I ignore if I should be speaking of but what the hell, I'll later talk about some abilities that can be gained only by special means that may also let you transform and move along these spirals.
On the platform
Once you hop in the door will close and the platform will start moving. Only the vestiges of gravity will trick your senses; remember, there is no "up" or "down". I still don't know if the platform moves randomly or if it is controlled by some strange energy force, but what I know is that it always takes you somewhere. While it moves you are able to see some rooms from the outside only. If it stops a glass door will open, and you will have the chance to see what's there before you get in the new black door. In case you are convinced that it's not the place you should be in, the elevator will take you to another place until you choose to enter a black door. Let's take a sneak peek to a couple of rooms:
Powers and abilities within the Spirals
Now I'd like to list some characteristics and abilities that mean to break some rules within the Spirals of Reality that only the wisest souls are able to obtain. Some of them are tricky, others are scary unless you have the strength to understand the magnitude of that power and then be able to reverse the mind-deceiving properties of these kind of events:
- There are some souls that have only entered the Spirals of Reality once within one lifetime; that unique moment is their time of birth. This means in a way that we're free to choose our birthplace reality.
- Every time you enter one black door it is most probable that you forget you've been to the Spirals, unless you already knew they existed. All the memories and vestiges are traces of other black doors you've been to, but most of the time there are no memories of the Spirals themselves.
- Oneself has the power to appear consciously on a transitional room, but most of the time our unconscious mind won't let us control that will; it only happens due the actual circumstances our soul is living, meaning it happens in-between a decision-making moment.
- Some say that there is a way to control the destination of the platform. It is one of the most difficult powers to achieve within the Spirals of Reality, and a rare possibility for a soul to understand its temporary destination. This is why most of the people acquire that power when they pass on to another life, because it is said that the moment contains such great energy of transitional understanding, that the created consciousness beats the power of the platform providing you control.
- There are souls that have the power to transform or even create transitional rooms, but that may take centuries of practice. Nevertheless, having the power to control the platform is very close to this other ability in a certain way. The difference between both is that when you control the platform you have to imagine the place you want to go in order to get there, and transforming or creating transitional rooms is done "in real time".
- When we "die" it is most probable to enter a new Spiral of Reality, but that cannot be proved by our mortal senses. This new Spiral contains different rooms and realities related to the next life that our soul awaits, and this is why the Universal Cycle of Life never ends. We must feel happy to know that everyone has this wonderful chance. This is why it is better said people "pass away", because no one really dies, we only exist within another reality. In a way this is beautiful because it brings hope and knowledge for all of us that haven't passed through that stage within our paths yet (or maybe we don't remember).
- There are souls that have the power to take with them other souls into a transitional room. This is a very dangerous practice if the other soul doesn't know or agree to be taken away from one reality, it actually would be kind of a soul kidnapping.
- It is heard that pairs of souls have been traveling within one platform and even entering one room at the same time. If both enter one black door we call it a paradox within a multidimensional world. No one has known of more than two people within one Spiral, but possibilities are so infinite that no one ever knows.
Maybe one of the most important missions within our realities is to search deep inside ourselves and know for sure that we are ready to take that leap. We also have to gain enough knowledge in order to understand that within our reality other people choose to take leaps also. Some during their lives, while others are obliged to do it before being born and after death.
This may not be the proper time to talk about lonely travelers along time and space, but maybe it is time to talk about our reflection. The reflection among these times and in front of all the other travelers moving from the known and to the unknown. Projections of ourselves entering one room always with a purpose, and the understanding harshness not only of leaving doors behind, but being taken there by other souls. And at last, the reflection of what makes us believe the Spirals of Reality can take us somewhere else. We are our own travelers, we are our own place. We choose our destination not knowing where it really takes us. We dig in, we let go, we hold on to what we want and we also let go. But this is a very dangerous task for our souls, because sometimes we don't know if we really want to cross that path. It only happens.
Now there is one last thing I would like to tell before this explanation ends. If this would be true, if the Spirals of Reality existed within this multiverse, where would you come from? Where would you go? How many times have you crossed that glass door, and how many times have you returned to the black door instead? Just close your eyes for a while and try to remember, or at least try to understand your source and desired destination, always hoping to know that the perfect place we ought to be lies where we choose to be, because we are all potentially able to gain that control.
In loving memory of
Miguel Ángel Kaim Chalita
May his free soul enlighten his way into paradise,
and let us learn the wisdom of what his spirits left us.
I really like your post. It help me alot, only... I wish the other name still be there. Anyway, Somethings you can never delete them, right? You are now my best memory and I still remember those days back in eastern Europe... a little bit of crusades... Quite stories do we have.
ReplyDeleteWish you the best future and a beautiful present.
With care,
A fairy who lost the track